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Network Management

RoboMon V6

Heroix Corporation

RoboMon collects operational and performance data, analyzes the data inreal time, and takes action based on its analysis. RoboMon monitors theresults of each action, and tries additional solutions until the problemis solved. RoboMon's real-time problem-notification incorporates paging,Email, RoboMon's Event Monitor, Terminal Broadcast, Help Desk, andnetwork manager notification. RoboMon's "rule-based" approach supportssite-specific monitoring and automation. Its self-configuring sensorsautomatically adjust to hardware and software configuration. RoboMonprovides network-wide event monitoring across UNIX, Windows NT, andOpenVMS platforms and supports client/server control from any point inthe network. RoboMon Product Overview: RoboMon is a powerful softwarepackage that performs all enterprise-wide event monitoring and problemsolving automatically. Combining its rule-based architecture withextensive event management capability, RoboMon is designed to providetrue "lights-out" computing, in today's complex, open system environment.RoboMon operates identically across UNIX, Windows NT, and OpenVMSplatforms. As a result, it is easy to learn, and easy to use, acrossmultiple operating systems. RoboMon offers an unprecedented level ofpower and flexibility for solving countless system, network, database,and application problems. RoboMon eliminates: Space shortages, I/Obottlenecks Missing critical files, directories with too many files Toonumerous, missing, idle, and looping processes CPU and memory saturationSub-optimal caching, table space fragmentation RoboMon Benefits:Automatic problem-solving Using its powerful built-in actions or yoursite-specific procedures or scripts, RoboMon solves problems quickly andefficiently ... often before you are even aware of a problem. Out-Of-The-Box Operation With its built-in intelligence, RoboMon can go to workdetecting and solving problems immediately. Automatic ConfigurationRoboMon dynamically maintains an up-to-date census of your hardware andsoftware configuration and adapts accordingly. Unlimited Rule BuildingRoboMon's Rule Builder lets you easily add instructions to monitorvirtually any system or application problem on Unix, Windows NT orOpenVMS. RoboMon can detect problems based on over 3, native RoboMonstatistics as well as any additional statistics you specify. Easycustomization RoboMon lets you dictate what should be monitored and when.With RoboMon, you can eliminate false alarms, prevent real problems fromfalling through the cracks, and adapt it to your needs. CentralizedMonitoring RoboMon's graphical Event Monitor centralizes problemnotification across your Unix, Windows NT, and OpenVMS network for realtime, enterprise-wide event monitoring. Full Spectrum NotificationRoboMon provides the full spectrum of notification options, including:paging, electronic mail, terminal broadcast, system log, operatorconsole, text logs, the RoboMon Event Monitor, and SNMP traps to notifyNetwork Managers such as OpenView and NetView ... and many others.Follow-up and Escalation RoboMon knows whether a problem is new orpersistent, and can try new solutions or notify staff if a problem cannotbe resolved immediately. Transparent Network Handling RoboMon provideseffortless control and centralized, multi-platform monitoring inClient/Server settings. Network Manager / SNMP Integration RoboMon'sSNMP support provides seamless integration with network managers, such asOpenView and NetView. Help Desk Integration RoboMon fully supports thenew/updated/closed problem model used by many help desk systems. RoboMonassigns unique problem handles that can be used for automated problemticket generation. Open Architecture RoboMon currently supports theAIX, HP-UX, Digital UNIX, Solaris(R), SunOS(TM), Windows NT, and OpenVMSoperating systems. And RoboMon was specifically designed with an openarchitecture, so you can be confident that your existing and futuresoftware investments are protected. Local Intelligence RoboMon usesintelligent agents so each machine can collect, detect and correct itsown problems. Local Intelligence provides maximum reliability, minimumnetwork traffic and the most robust automation capabilities you can find.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.5

Heroix Corporation
120 Wells Ave
Newton, MA 02159
Phone: (617) 527-1550
        (800) 229-6500
Fax: (617) 527-6132